Azure File Share and Sync Solution Project

Project Scenario & Architecture Diagram

According to recent research, 40-75% of employees are using Dropbox to share files inside and outside of their businesses. Half of those Dropbox users do this even though they know it's against the rules. More than 40% of businesses have experienced the exposure of confidential information and the estimated average cost of a data breach equaled $5.5 Million in 2011. These files, containing sensitive company and customer data, are stored in a public cloud outside of the businesses' control - possibly even outside of the country. The potential for data leakage and security breaches is enormous and companies need to stay compliant with their own policies and procedures for security and governance.

Procedure Followed:
Architecture Implentation:

  1. Implemented 2 different subnets (one public and the other private) in a virtual network.
  2. Installed and configured MYSQL on an ubuntu virtual machine on the private subnet.(Note: using a bastion host and a NAT gateway).
  3. Installed and configured OwnCloud on an Ubuntu virtual machine on the public subnet.
  4. Configured the network security groups to allow the required ports.
  5. Tested the installation by accessing the IP of the application server in a browser.

VPC creation:

Public and private subnet creation:

NAT gateway creation:

Creation and configuration of network (application and database) security groups:

Application virtual machine creation:

Database virtual machine creation:

Application and database installation and testing:

Installation and configuration of Mattermost: