ß George Ritho Portfolio

Containerizing Lambda Deployment Project

Project Scenario & Architecture Diagram

The introduction of Lambda support for OCI container images provides customers with more choices when it comes to packaging formats. Developers can now choose to take advantage of the event-driven runtime model and cost-savings advantages of AWS Lambda, while taking advantage of the predictability and control offered by a container-based development and deployment cycle.

Architecture Implentation:

  1. Packaged the web application as a docker image running on Alpine with python.
  2. Created an ECR repository.
  3. Built the imaged with the docker file and the supported files.
  4. Tagged the image appropriately and pushed it into the ECR repository.
  5. Created a lambda function with the image in ECR.

EC2 instance and docker image creation:

ECR repository creation and image upload to ECR:

Creation of lambda function to test the image: