Team Communication Solution Project

Project Scenario & Architecture Diagram

Team communication and instant messaging solutions are an integral part of any business environment today. As of 2020, the total number of users of Slack and Microsoft Teams exceeded 20 million. Some organizations might have compliance policies in place which do not allow them to use services managed by third parties. They will prefer solutions that can be managed and hosted on servers controlled by them. The same will extend to communication solutions as well.

Architecture Implentation:

  1. Implemented 2 different subnets (one public and the other private) in a custom VPC.
  2. Installed and configured MySQL on an Amazon Linux 2 (bastion host) instance on the private subnet with a NAT gateway.
  3. Installed and configured Mattermost on a Amazon Linux 2 instance on the public subnet.
  4. Configured the security groups to allow the ports as shown in the architecture.
  5. Test the installation by accessing the IP of the public instance in a browser via the port 8065.

VPC creation:

Public subnet creation:

Private subnet creation:

Internet gateway creation:

Configured public route table:

NAT gateway creation:

Private route tables creation:

Application server creation:

Database server creation:

Installation and configuration of MYSQL:

Installation and configuration of Mattermost: